Understanding, Mapping, Speculating • Deforestation in the Appalachian Bioregion; A Transition Design Approach
Alexander Polzin
Amanda Sanchez
Jenny Xin
Mihika Bansal
Xiaoran Zhang
Alexander Polzin
Amanda Sanchez
Jenny Xin
Mihika Bansal
Xiaoran Zhang
Terry Irwin
Gideon Kossoff
Terry Irwin
Gideon Kossoff
Transition Design
Systems Mapping
Transition Design
Systems Mapping
Spring 2021
Spring 2021
Quick Links
Over the course of this exploration, our team researched, documented, and synthesized each activity. You can find our collaborative pieces at this link. Each post has google drive access links to hi-res imagery of our maps.
Team Resilience Medium Publication
Activity 1 • Mapping Wicked Problems
Activity 2 • Mapping Stakeholder Relations
Activity 3 • Multi-Level Persepctive • Mapping Evolutions
Activity 4 • Backcasting, Mile-stoning, & Developing Future Visions
Activity 5 • Designing an Ecology of Interventions
Final Presentation [Was Not Recorded]
Team Resilience Medium Publication
Activity 1 • Mapping Wicked Problems
Activity 2 • Mapping Stakeholder Relations
Activity 3 • Multi-Level Persepctive • Mapping Evolutions
Activity 4 • Backcasting, Mile-stoning, & Developing Future Visions
Activity 5 • Designing an Ecology of Interventions
Final Presentation [Was Not Recorded]
This project was a foray into applying the Transition Design approach to the wicked problem of Deforestation in the Appalachian Bioregion. The process includes systems mapping, deep research, and wrestling with the complexities of hyperobjects and subsytems. Through methodological mapping approaches, we explored this wicked problem every lense we were afforded to find through our research. The Transition Design approach allows us to critique and also see the impacts of hyperobjects such as capitalism, racism, and globalization and the actors that participate in the ongoing colonial project of stripping not just the land but people of their livelihoods.