Hello! Nice to meet you. My name is Amanda Sánchez. Originally from Chicago but currently in Pittsburgh. I graduated with a Master of Design from the Carnegie Mellon School of Design May 2021. I spent the last two years of coursework and research digging deeply in the ontologies and implications of design at different scales. For the past 3 semesters, I have also been the lead instructor for a Communication Design Fundamentals course - it’s been one of many lights in my life. Previously a Designer @ IA Collaborative where I worked mostly on digital products. I spent 2.5 years emphasizing the importance and role of design systems while fostering collaborative relationships between our designers and developers to create thoughtful products and services within an agile environment. Before that, I became a UIC Grad with a Bachelor of Graphic Design. where I explored a range of mediums and built a strong sense of intuiton for 2D form. Although the work I did in undergrad is more than 6 years old and no longer lives on my main site, you can click here to view my past.
I hold a wealth of quality experiences navigating and attempting to understand the complexities of both the worlds we live in and the worlds others experience. I take an ecological approach to most things I do, meaning I accept the ambiguities that a more technical systems approach may be uncomfortable with. If you’d like to read more about my ever-evolving lense on design, you can head here.
Let’s tell each other stories, jokes, or get some tacos. You can view my resume if you’d like. You can also take a look at my medium blog where I reflect on things I’m learning about. If you’d like to get in touch you can e-mail me, message me on Linkedin, or send me a message via my personal carrier pigeon . I am currently looking and open to opportunities!
Thanks for checking my work out, look forward to meeting you!
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Digital Tentacles